Red Rhino

Core Knowledge

The Core Knowledge Sequence anchors the Revolution Academy academic program.  Core Knowledge is a content-rich, cohesive, sequenced curriculum that builds from year to year as students study a wide range of topics in history, literature, science, and geography.  Students who come to school with limited exposure to the Core Knowledge content will benefit from its carefully researched focus on a wide range of subjects.  At the same time, students who already have some general knowledge of the topics will benefit from going into greater depth and achieving greater understanding.

Similar subjects are studied across disciplines to aid in student retention and comprehension.  Art, music, history, science, and literature will all interweave common topics, creating a rich, immersive experience with each subject.

Supplemental Programs

To complement Core Knowledge, Revolution Academy uses Saxon Math, Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA), and Shurley English.  These curricula have been demonstrated to provide students with a solid educational foundation that will help them be successful in any future endeavor.

Revolution Curriculum Descriptions

2023-2024 Middle School Elective Descriptions
